PIFD Merit List 2023 pdf 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design PIFD Merit List 2023 pdf 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for candidates who were chosen for admissions in 2023 are available on this page. You can Check it Online or Download a PDF of it. Lahore is home to the Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design. New 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th merit lists will be shown here. For more information about PIFD, please visit the official website and its link is written below. PIFD First Merit List of selected candidates will be displayed on Notice Boards, PIFD Website and PIFD Facebook Page on 3rd October 2023. Last date for submission is coming closer.

PIFD Merit List 2023 Online

StudyAlerts.com has the most up-to-date merit lists for spring, fall, morning, and evening (open merit lists and Self-Support programs) that close on time. Those who want to see where they stand on their own merit list for admission in 2023 must stay with us.

Pakistan Institute Of Fashion And Design Merit list 2023

Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)

Bachelor Of Studies (Fashion Marketing and Merchandising)

Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)

Bachelor of Design (Jewellery Design and Gemological Science)

Bachelor of Design (Furniture and Manufacture)

Bachelor of Design (Leather Accessories and Footwear)

Bachelor of Design ( Ceramic and glass Design)

BDes Fashion Design

BS Fashion Marketing and Merchandising

BDes Textile Design

BDes Jewellery Design and Gemological Sciences

BDes Furniture Design and Manufacture

BDes Leather Accessories and Footwear

BDes Ceramic Design

MPhil Art & Design Education

Master of Philosophy Art & Design

Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design Contact Number

  • Email: info@pifd.edu.pk
  • Tel: 042-99232951-7 Fax: 042-99232966
  • Address: 51-J / III, Phase 2, Johar Town.
  • Lahore Address: P.O.Box 542782 Pakistan
  • Official Website @www.pifd.edu.pk

PIFD Merit List 2023 1st, 2nd, 3rd

The month before, the Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design (PIFD) told students all over Pakistan how to apply for the fall 2023 session, and many did so. The organization that works in Punjab, KPK, GB, FATA, Sindh, Baluchistan, and AJK has announced the PIFD Merit List for 2023. The students are now studying it. So, stay with us to find out more about things like the PIFD waiting for merit list, the reserved merit list, the schedule for interviews, and the final merit list.

Undergraduate Admissions 2023 Merit List

The admission office will remain open for registration on Satuday 15th, October 2023

PIFD 2nd Merit List 2023

Second Merit List will be displayed on 11th October, 2023 (afternoon).

PIFD Entry Test Result 2023

The merit list for each province is now out in the open. It will be the very first list of merits, and the last day to send in fees has also been announced. The main goal of the institute is to teach students about dress and fashion in a modern way while they learn what fashion professionals do.

PIFD Lahore Merit List 2023

PIFD Merit List pdf 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Also, look at the PIFD List of Merit List 2023 Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design and collect them all. The first merit list for all provinces was put out by PIFD. All of the students who applied can look at the list to see if their names are there. If you’ve been named, the first thing you need to do is pay the fees because they’ve set November as the last day to pay.

Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Designing Merit List

Look at the 1st Merit list and look for the applicant’s name. Their names have been announced, and a link to the 1st Merit list is in the table. All students have to go through the merit list for their province. Also given is the date when the payment will be made. The 2nd merit list has not yet been released by the Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design.

PIFD Merit List 2023 Sindh

In the last week of November 2023, they will release the second list of those who have been chosen. Also, when the deadline for paying the fee for the 2-second merit list is announced, we will put the list on this website. PIFD release the 3rd merit list in December in the first week. Usually, they put out two lists of people who have done well.

PIFD Merit List 2023 Balochistan

But I hope that this year they will show the three lists of people who did well. If they do make the announcement of the 3 third merit list for all provinces, we will update this page.

PIFD University BS Merit List 2023

Since then, they’ve been waiting for the results of the entrance tests for PIFD’s many fashion and art courses. Now that they’ve waited long enough, they can download their program’s merit list in PDF format from this page. Pakistan Institute of Fashion & Designing has successfully finished the entry test series and is in the process of releasing the merit list.

PIFD Lahore Selected Candidates List 2023

The PIFD admissions committee will hold interviews to make sure that a candidate will be accepted into the school. The self-finance/regular and reserved seat merit lists for PIFD are on this page. So you don’t have to go anywhere for that reason. It is a great chance for people who want to learn about fashion and design.


Q1: How can I get admission in PIFD Lahore?

Ans: A minimum of 130 semester hours (or the international equivalent) must have been completed at the time of application for admission to the degree program, and the applicant must have earned at least a 2.50-grade point average (or second division) in the degree program for which admission is being sought.

Q2: How many semesters are there in fashion design?

Ans: 8-semesters

Q3: Is PIFD private or government?

Ans: PIFD is a public design institution


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