Islamia College Peshawar Admission 2023 1st Year

Islamia College Peshawar admission for the 2023 1st year is open, apply online here. Admissions to the following programs of F.A/F.Sc (Session 2023) stands open from 18th August 2023 to Friday 9th September 2023 (BDI).  Islamia College Peshawar has announced the latest advertisement for admission to different degree programs. They accept applications from interested candidates. The admissions are open in Islamia College Peshawar. Interested candidates may apply/submit applications via online procedures. The applications should be completed in all aspects otherwise; the applications will not consider. After the deadline, no one can apply for admission.

Islamia College Peshawar Admission 2023 Last Date

Islamia College Launches the online admission facility for interested candidates from all over Pakistan as per following procedure.

  • Step 1: deposit the admission fee of 1500 Pkr in online account # 223490482. The admission is deposited in UBL bank branch in Pakistan. The admission processing fee is Rs.1700/- for applicants seeking admission on sports basis.
  • Step 2: Get the printed receipt from the UBL Bank.
  • Step 3: Visit the official website of Islamia College Peshawar.
  • Step 4: Create an account for online registration.
  • Step 5: Complete the online admission form and follow the given instruction on the form and submit it.
  • Step 6: Print/download the submitted application form and bring it to interview center at time of interview/admission.

Note: to get register Please visit””

For other information regarding admission please vist the official sit of Islamia College Peshawar.

Islamia College Peshawar Admission Criteria

Islamia College Peshawar Admission 1st Year

Minimum 45 % marks are or grade C is mandatory for admissions in all BS Programs.

Prospectus is available at the Islamia College Peshawar campus or the candidates can get the prospectus from the UBL Bank. Both male and female can apply for the admission. Both male and female candidates also apply for the Hostel/ accommodation facility on the date of admission. All the information regarding the admission like, last date, test date etc. is available here.

BOYS: Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering, Computer Science, Inter Science, Arts, Humanities (Computer Science, Statistics, General Maths) and Darse-Nizami/ Islamic Theology GIRLS: Pre-Medical & Pre- Engineering

Sr.# Description Last Date
1. Last date for submission of online admission form Friday 09 September 2023
2. Test for Hafiz-E-Quran (for students with Marks 1030 and above at 9:00 am) Monday 12 September 2023
3. Test for Hafiz-E-Quran (for students with Marks 1029 and below at 9:00 am) Tuesday 13 September 2023
4. Display of Provisional Merit List Contact Admission Office (APARO) if any rectification is required Wednesday 14 September 2023
5. Display of quotas merits lists of merged areas of FATA & F.R (former) and Afghan Nationals, employees children etc . (In case of any query/error/omission, contact the Admission Office (APARO) before the day of interview/admission of the concerned quota. Name shall not be included on the day of admission. Wednesday 14 September 2023
6. Display of Final Merit List (All corrections are acceptable before the display of final merit list.) Friday 16 September 2023


Time: 8am – 4pm

Venue: Khyber Union Hall, Islamia College Peshawar.

In case of vacant seats in any of the given programs, subsequent waiting list shall be issued till the completion of all vacant seats.



Date Fee category
1. Pre-Medical (open) admission from first merit list 19.09.2023& 20.09.2023


Open Merit


2. Pre-Medical (open) admission from 2nd merit list (in case of vacant seats if any) 21.09.2023 Open merit
3. Medical (self-finance) admission from first merit list 22.09.2023 Self-support
4. Medical (self-finance) admission from second merit list (in case of vacant seats if any) 23.09.2023 Self-support
5.  Engineering (open) admission from 1st merit list 26.09.2023 & 27.09.2023 Open Merit
6.  Engineering (open) admission from 2nd merit list (in case of vacant seats if any) 28.09.2023 Open Merit
7. Pre- Engineering (self-finance) admission from 1st merit list 29.09.2023 Self-support
8. Pre- Engineering (self-finance) admission from 2nd merit list (in case of vacant seats if any) 30.09.2023 Self-support
Computer Science (open and self) admission from 1st merit list
03.10.2023 &

04 .10.2023

Open Merit and self-support
10. Computer Science (open and self) admission from 2nd merit list (in case of vacant seats if any) 05.10.2023 Open Merit and self-support
11. Humanities (Computer, Statistics, General Maths) open and self finance admission from 1st merit list 06.10.2023 Self-support
12. Humanities (Computer, Stats, General Maths), open and self admission from 2nd merit list (in case of vacant seats if any) 07.10.2023 Self-support
13. Arts, Inter Science, Darse Nizami/Islamic Theology 10.10.2023 Open Merit
14. ICP employees children, Senior Alumni Association, AUP employees sons, UET employees children 11.10.2023 Open merit
15 Physically Challenged (disabled)

O levels students quota (self finance)

12.10.2023 Open merit
16 Islamia Collegiate School Students, Afghan Nationals, FATA & F.R (merged areas), Foreign Students 13.10.2023 Open merit
17 Commencement of classes


Monday 17.10.2023 (visit


Time: 8am – 4pm Venue: Khyber Union Hall, Islamia College Peshawar

S.No Discipline Date Fee Category
1. Pre-Medical & Pre-Engineering Schedule for female admissions shall soon be uploaded on the official website Open Merit / Self Support and Evening self-finance.


  1. Minimum 1st division in S.S.C (Science) for Pre-Medical, Pre Engineering & Computer Science.
  2. Minimum 2nd division for Arts, Humanities, Inter Science, Darse-Nizami/Islamic Theology

Bring the following documents at time of interview:

  1. In case of former FATA/FR Quota Seats, Domicile Certificate must be attached.
  2. Candidates applying on AUP, UET,ICP must attach their parent’s service certificate.
    1. Two photocopies of Detailed Marks Certificate (DMC) of Matric.
    2. Domicile Certificate & Form B
  • Migration Certificate along with verified photocopy of DMC from the board concerned other than BISE, Peshawar, must be submitted at the time of interview or within ONE WEEK of the admission in the office of Coordinator Inter Studies at New Academic Block.
  1. Two passport size photographs (white background only) for Registration with BISE, Peshawar.
  2. Students appearing for the Hafiz-e-Quran Test must bring sanad, original DMC and passport size photograph on the date of their respective test.


  1. There are eleven (11) glorious hostels on the Campus of the historic College for the residential and academic support of the Intermediate and BS level students. Admissions in hostels are strictly based upon merit for each and every category and discipline of the students.
  2. However, there are limited / hostel seats for the students of the self-support programs.
  3. All the hostels have a unique and specific routine for the overall academic growth and character building of the students. Discipline is the hallmark of the hostel system. Contact Provost office for hostel reservation.


  1. Applicant must bring original documents along with a set of photocopies at the time of interview/admission.
  2. Full fee must be deposited on the day of interview/admission. Submission of fee in installments is not acceptable.
  3. No application form shall be entertained after the due date. Please do note the given schedule of admissions/interviews; there is no individual catering.
  4. Printed copy of the application form and original bank receipt shall be required on your respective date of interview/admission.
  5. Any candidates without the said slips and application form will not be entertained.



Note: A candidate can opt for only two games out of the one given in the online form.

  • For BOYS

S.No. Game Date Time Venue
01. Squash 19-09-2023 09:00 A.M University of Peshawar (Squash Court)
02. Cricket 20-09-2023 08:00 A.M Madane-e-Jurat Cricket Academy ICP
03. Badminton 21-09-2023 08:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Takbeer Hall)
04. Volley Ball 22-09-2023 08:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Volleyball ground)
05. Hockey 23-09-2023 08:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Hockey Ground)
06. Athletics 26-09-2023 08:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Main Cricket Ground)
07. Table Tennis 27-09-2023 09:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Takbeer Hall)
08. Foot Ball 28-09-2023 08:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Foot Ball Ground)
09. Basket Ball 29-09-2023 09:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Basket Ball Court)
10. Lawn Tennis 30-09-2023 09:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Tennis Court)

(B)For  GIRLS.

S.No. Game Date Time Venue
01. Table Tennis 03-10-2023 09:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Takbeer Hall)
02. Badminton 03-10-2023 11:00 A.M Islamia College Peshawar (Takbeer Hall)
03. Athletics 04-10-2023 09:00 A.M Islamia Collegiate School (Cricket Ground)


The candidates must produce the following documents / requirements at the time of appearing in trials. In case of failure, the candidates shall not be allowed to participate in the above mentioned trials.

  1. Passport size white background photo (one copy attested)
  2. Matric DMC /Certificate (one copy attested)

iii. Proper sports playing Kit                                        (Shirts, Nicker & Trousers)

  1. Form B/original CNIC

Applicants are advised to check the schedule afresh on one day before the specific sports trial s/he appears in.

The candidates appearing in Cricket, Squash, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, Hockey and Badminton must bring their own Bat, Ball, Pads, Gloves, sticks, Shuttle Cocks, and Rackets etc.

The sports selection committee is authorized to cancel any game in case of non-availability of suitable players for the College / University sports. Queries (sports) on Phone: 091-9222251 (Directorate of Sports, Islamia College Peshawar)

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