ETEA New Peshawar Valley PDA Result 2023 Merit Lists 1st, 2nd, 3rd, self-finance, and final are available here on this page. Roll No. Slips for Screening Test for various posts in New Peshawar Valley PDA Project (Advertised in Aug’ 2023) such as Civil Engineer (BPS-17), GIS Analyst (BPS-17), Internal Audit (BPS-17), Architect (BPS-17), Assistant Director/Housing Officer (BPS-17), Land Surveyor (BPS-14) is released and Test Date of EETA new Peshawar valley PDA is 05-Oct-2023. The candidate can check the result and download the roll no slip in pdf by clicking the below links. This page contains the latest information and is updated daily with the ETEA Result 2023 Merit List.
ETEA Merit List 2023 KPK
Here you can find the ETEA Test Merit List, Answer Keys, and Merit Lists for 2023. First, we talk about the big picture of ETEA. The Testing Agency in KPK Province is the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency. That’s a responsibility for both the public and private sectors. ETEA is the name most people use for the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency, which was set up in 1998 by the Government of NWFP.
Sr.No | ETEA Merit List 2023 Download PDF | Action |
1. | ETEA Merit list 2023 KPK Peshawar | Download Here |
2. | Districts Wise Merit List 2023 | Download Here |
3. | ETEA List of Selected Candidates | Download Here |
4. | All Districts Male and Female Merit list | Download Here |
5. | ETEA Provisional Merit List download | Download Here |
ETEA 1st Merit List 2023
Check out the provisional list of winners (Excluding Experience and Interview Marks). If you passed the ETEA Test and are looking for information, your ETEA result, or a list of people who did well, click here. You’re in the right place because you’ve found an online hub with all the information you need. The most recent Employment Merit List for Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency jobs is the 2023 list, which can be found on the internet.
ETEA 2nd Merit List 2023
Here is the final list of people who have been chosen to take the ETEA in 2023. Also included is a list of the merit list. People who took the ETEA are waiting to hear how they did. After 15 hours, ETEA released the results of the different tests it had done on different dates. People who took a test can check their scores on this site. Type your CNIC number or Roll number into the box below to see how you did on the ETEA exam.
ETEA 3rd Merit List 2023
Those on the “blacklist” or who did not pass the exam would not be able to see the test results. ETEA New Peshawar Valley PDA Result 2023 Merit List If you want to find out about the ETEA Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Results, go to this page. Information about the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency’s new jobs, how to apply online for admission and entry tests, and your roll number. slip, test times, Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency test results, interview schedule, Merit list, and the last Merit list are all available here.
ETEA Final Merit List 2023
Here is where the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government built ETEA as a place to test things in 1998. ETEA is used by both private and public businesses in KPK to test candidates and hire new workers. People who took a writing test are eagerly waiting for the results. result 2023 merit list
This page will have both the ETEA 2023 test results and the solution keys, so check back often. Those people who want to work for the Peshawar Development Authority and take the test for the Assistant position. Now, we are waiting to see what happens. So that they can find out how they did and whether they can move on to the next step. Most of the time, the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency announces the results of a test within 24 hours.
Self Finance Merit List 2023
This site has the ETEA Result 2023 Merit List Engineering Test for 2023. Make sure to check back often. The general dental and medical schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa announce the results of their ETEA tests. Students who apply to MBBS and BDS programs for Medical and Dental Schools may be put on the merit list.
ETEA List of Selected Candidates
To find out how likely it is to get into public and private medical schools The list of merits can be a useful tool. Peshawar Development Authority or PDA KPK Jobs ETEA Test Results From here, you can look online. The test was on Sunday, January 16, 2023. In Peshawar, the Peshawar Development Authority is in charge of building things. This includes things like streets, parks, and plants.
ETEA Test Merit List 2023 Answer Keys
If you don’t know where to find the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Merit List 2023 KPK or Answer keys, this post is for you. Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Merit List 2023 KPK. Result 2023 By Name Roll No
ETEA sets up exams in engineering and medicine for students in Khyber Pakhton Khaw province. It has been around since November 1998. It is part of the government of the KPK. The Board of Governors is in charge of the university. The Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is a member of the Board of Governors. The Board’s secretary is the person in charge of ETEA. Vice chairs and secretaries of the board of governors are people in charge of higher education.
ETEA A1 Result 2023
ETEA was made so that Engineering and Medical Institutions in KPK province wouldn’t have to rely on testing companies from outside the province. Based on the Ordinance, it was made much bigger than just the Entrance Exams. As part of its goal to make other institutions more objective, open, and efficient, it wants to improve the examination and testing processes, offer training, and let other institutions use its electronic resources.
ETEA Result By Name 2023
In the ETEA Result 2023 Merit List section, you can find information about the agency’s ads, results, final merit list, waiting list, open merit list, list of accepted/rejected applicants, and preliminary merit lists. Keep coming back to this page to find out what’s new. Here’s where you can get the etea merit list 2023 kpk pst.
Self Finance Merit List
Here you can see the Merit List and the Final List of Selected Candidates for the ETEA Results in 2023. People who took the ETEA are now waiting to hear how they did. After 15 days, ETEA made public the results of the many tests it had done at different times. Applicants can check their scores on this site. Enter your CNIC number or Roll Number in the space below to find out how you did on your ETEA written test. Applicants on the blacklist or who did not pass the test would not be able to see the test results.”
Q1:What is the date of ETEA test 2023?
Ans: 60%Â marksÂ
Q2: What are total marks in ETEA?
Ans: 200 Marks Duration 3 hours
Q3: Is 70 a pass or fail?
Ans:Â Yes, 70 Marks is Passing grade
ETEA Retotaling Result 2023
If you are looking for the ETEA Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency Results, you can find them on this page. Information about ETEA’s new jobs, admissions, and entry tests, along with an online application form; Slip with roll number, dates of tests, ETEA test results, Merit list, schedule of interviews, and final Merit list are all here. In 1998, the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa built ETEA as a place to test things. ETEA is used by both public and private companies in KPK to screen job applicants and hire new staff.
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